Economic Development Program

How does Economic Development look now? Over the past years, the City has accomplished a great deal in Economic Development! You’ll see some examples here, but we encourage you to follow this link to see more about how to grow your business here and how we use the BBB tax to keep Flagstaff prosperous and vibrant!

We have created business incentives to help businesses land and grow in Flagstaff.
Here is the
link to the Incentives.

Attraction wins:

Staff has helped many businesses come join the Flagstaff community in recent years through the facilitation of BBB funding. Economic development staff focuses mainly on businesses that create high quality employment opportunities for our community, however they also know that having the right amenities can make the workforce and community stronger. This work also includes working to retain and attract hospitality based businesses such as restaurants, retail and attractions as well.  A few examples from the past two years include: 

UACJ Whitehall
Automotive Industries 

This company fabricates automotive components for electric vehicles. They contribute to our sustainable and green economy and have created 120+ high quality jobs since their arrival to Flagstaff.  

Katalyst Space Technologies aerospace sector. Initially a start up that was attracted to Flagstaff, they have grown to 25+ employees, including high paying positions such as engineers and rocket scientists. 

In-N-Out Burger 

A community request for years, your In-n-Out burger is now open!

Business Retention and Expansion wins: 

Staff has worked with many existing businesses to help support them and to help them stay and grow right here in Flagstaff. This can be through incentives, but it’s more often technical assistance, problem solving, analytics and other work together to address needs. A good example of a business that expanded, and continues expanding, here in Flagstaff POBA This company, whose name stands for Plain Old Balloon Angioplasty, is a leader in bio-medical balloon technology and has grown in a big way recently. Other Business Retention and Expansion successes of the past few years include: Staff has helped many businesses come join the Flagstaff community in recent years through the facilitation of BBB funding. Economic development staff focuses mainly on businesses that create high quality employment opportunities for our community, however they also know that having the right amenities can make the workforce and community stronger. This work also includes working to retain and attract hospitality based businesses such as restaurants, retail and attractions as well.  A few examples from the past two years include: 

Translational Genomics Research Institute North known as TGen North  

  • TGen North maps disease of the human genome and performs forensic work to track the spread of various outbreaks. 

  • T-Gen North doubled in size employing 75 world class scientists. 

Joy Cone Company 

  • The world largest manufacturer of ice cream cones in the world continues their global market share and their footprint in Flagstaff. 

  • Joy Cone Company now employs over 200 employees. 

Economic Gardening

Incubation, Acceleration and Business Support Services Working with partners like the Economic Development Administration, the City built the Business Incubator and Business Accelerator up on Innovation Mesa. This is the Northern Arizona Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology campus. The City uses BBB funds to contract with MOONSHOT for business support services and property management as well as to keep the buildings in good condition.  

Here are some of the success stories:

These are just a few examples of how BBB works to keep Flagstaff prosperous, vibrant and resilient. Please check out the website for more, or reach out to us directly with questions, comments or ideas.