Bed | Board | Beverage

Tax Renewal

What is the BBB?
It’s a 2% tax charged at every restaurant, bar, campground, hotel/motel, and short-term rental in the city. This is in addition to the standard sales tax that you pay on regular purchases.

(Scroll down below to see the tax chart)

How long has the BBB been funded?
Since 1988 

What has the renewal looked like? 

  • In 1988, the voters first passed the BBB tax for 10 years through May 31, 1998.   

  • In 1996, the voters approved an extension of the tax for 15 years through May 31, 2013.   

  • In 2010, the voters approved another extension for 15 years to the current expiration date of May 31, 2028. 

  • The current request, Prop 487, is to extend it for 15 years and one month to June 30, 2043. 

Who pays the BBB?
Locals and visitors pay the BBB tax. It’s important to note that 68% of the tax is paid by the visitors who are being asked to invest in the city where they play and stay.  

Why care about the BBB tax renewal?
BBB tax funds lessen the burden on the City’s budget, so more dollars are provided to Police and Fire, Libraries, Housing, and other Community Essential Needs.

Below is the tax chart for your review:

Proposition 487 is asking to renew the Bed, Board, Beverage (BBB) 2% sales tax that every restaurant, bar, campground, hotel, motel, and short-term rental charges their customers. These funds are used to support city beautification, economic development, tourism, arts and sciences, and parks and recreation projects and maintenance. 

The breakdown is: 
Arizona Sales Tax 5.6% 
Coconino County Sales Tax 1.3% 
City of Flagstaff Sales Tax 2.28% 
BBB Tax 2.00% 
Total: 11.18% 

To learn more about the programs

that receive BBB funding, click below!!!

The BBB tax was put in place originally to increase visitation to Flagstaff …

Tourism is Flagstaff’s #1 Economic Sector – it creates 8,000 jobs
(Source:  2019 NAU Intercept Study) and over $565 million in estimated economic impact that enhances our community’s overall quality of life.

Remember to vote November 5th!